
Minister’s Secretariat

The Minister’ Secretariat works in conjunction with the Minister to ensure that Government’s policy objectives are properly advanced. The Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs is a governmental cabinet minister primarily responsible for formulating the foreign policy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in order to promote the interests and image of the country abroad. Promoting friendly relations and economic cooperation, exports and tourism; attracting foreign investment; and enhancing scientific, technological and cultural links with other nations are some of the related tasks.

It is also the role of the Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs to uphold the rule of law in international affairs and maintain peace at the country’s borders. Furthermore, it is imperative that the Minister assists the Overseas Missions, and supports international organisations and foreign non-governmental organisations in the discharge of their duties.

Permanent Secretary’s Secretariat

The office of the Permanent Secretary is concerned with the administration, coordination, control and supervision of the implementation of the ministerial policies of the various Ministerial functions.The Permanent Secretary supports the Minister by managing current issues and by ensuring the implementation of major projects and policy formulation.  Other responsibilities include managing and motivating Directors through delegation and progress reporting.

Work performed by the Permanent Secretary is done in conjunction with the Divisions/Sections/Units at Headquarters and Missions.  For instance, the need to be cost-conscious and to consider new methods of securing value for money is pursued together with the Finance and Accounts Unit. The Communications Unit must also work closely with the Permanent Secretary to ensure that information is effectively disseminated within the Ministry and to the public.

In consultation with the Directors and other members of the managerial core, the Permanent Secretary will determine Divisional roles and, if necessary, arrange the organisational structure for optimum performance.