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The Ministry of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs

  • No vacancies at the moment

Arms Trade Treaty

    Ministry of Health

    The Caribbean Community (CARICOM)

    Visit the CARICOM website for job opportunities

    Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (IMPACS)

    Visit the CARICOM IMPACS website for job opportunities.

    The High Commission for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in Georgetown, Guyana

    • No vacancies at the moment

    The High Commission for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in Kingston, Jamaica

    • No vacancies at the moment

    Ministry of Finance

    Ministry of Education

    Consulate General of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in Toronto, Canada

    • No vacancies at the moment

    The Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland

    • No vacancies at the moment

    Consulate General of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, New York, NY, USA

    • No vacancies at the moment

    Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs

    The High Commission of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in Ottawa, Canada

    • No vacancies at the moment

    The Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York, NY, USA

    • No vacancies at the moment

    The Consulate of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in Miami, FL, USA

    • No vacancies at the moment

    The Embassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in Washington D.C., USA

    Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS)

    Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries

    Visit the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries website for job opportunities

    Judicial and Legal Service Commission of Trinidad and Tobago

    Visit the Service Commissions Department for vacancies.

    Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

    View job opportunities

    International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

    Visit the ITU website for job opportunities.

    The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

    Visit the UNIDO website for job opportunities

    The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

    Visit the UNHCR website for job opportunities.

    Eastern Regional Health Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (ERHA)

    Visit the ERHA website for job opportunities here.

    The International Labour Organization (ILO)

    Visit the ILO website for vacancies

    The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

    Click here for job opportunities.

    The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

    Visit the UNESCO website for job opportunities.

    The Commonwealth

    Vacancies can be found here.

    The University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT)

    Visit the UTT website for job opportunities.

    The University of the West Indies (UWI)

    Visit the UWI website for more job opportunities.

    International Criminal Court (ICC)

    Visit the ICC website for job opportunities.

    The World Health Organization (WHO)

    Applicants are required to apply to the vacancies on the recruitment platform at The WHO regrets that it cannot accept CVs sent by email.

    * The Requisition Identifier can be entered into the keyword search in the recruitment platform for ease of vacancy retrieval.

    Information on WHO internships
    A global internship requisition is published on the WHO recruitment site and can be accessed at  Full information on the WHO internship programme is available at

    United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

    Visit the UNODC website for job opportunities.

    The Organization for the Prohibition Chemical Weapons (OPCW)

    Visit the OPCW website for job opportunities.


    Interested applicants who are unable to submit an application online at, due to technical problems, are requested to send an e- mail to explaining the problem.

    Only applications received before the closing date will be considered. Only applicants under serious consideration for a post will be contacted. Applications from qualified female candidates are strongly encouraged. There are job advertisements and offers that falsely state that they are from the OPCW.

    World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)


    Diplomatic Engagement and Assemblies Affairs Division, Sector of the Director General

    Application Deadline – 22-July-2024 

    The selected candidate’s appointment will be subject to an overall term of five years in this position, with no possibility of renewal beyond that term.  They may, however, apply and be considered for other positions at WIPO. This overall term of five years is not applicable to WIPO staff members on fixed-term, continuing or permanent appointments, who were recruited following a competition under Staff Regulation 4.10 (“Appointment Boards”).  

    IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING APPLICATION DEADLINE: Please note that the deadline for applications is indicated in local time as per the time zone of the applicant’s location. 

    View listing at: 


    Nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer que l’avis de vacance d’emploi ci-après vient d’être publié dans le système de recrutement électronique de l’OMPI : 


    Division des relations diplomatiques et des assemblées, Secteur du Directeur général

    Date de clôture – 22-juillet-2024 

    La personne retenue sera nommée pour une durée globale de cinq ans à ce poste, sans possibilité de renouvellement de l’engagement au-delà de cette durée.  Elle pourra toutefois postuler et sa candidature pourra être prise en considération pour d'autres postes à l'OMPI. Cette durée globale de cinq ans ne s'applique pas aux fonctionnaires de l'OMPI titulaires d'un engagement de durée déterminée, d'un engagement continu ou d'un engagement permanent, qui ont été recrutés à la suite d'un concours organisé conformément à l'article 4.10 du Statut du personnel ("Comités des nominations"). 

    INFORMATION IMPORTANTE CONCERNANT LE DÉLAI DE CANDIDATURE : Veuillez noter que la date et l’heure limites pour le dépôt des candidatures sont celles qui correspondent au fuseau horaire du lieu où la candidature est soumise. 

    Afin de consulter la liste complète des avis de vacance récemment publiés, veuillez cliquer sur le lien suivant :

    Visit the WIPO website for job opportunities.

    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

    Visit the FAO website for job opportunities.

    World Meteorological Organization

    Visit the WMO website for job opportunities

    Police Service Commission

    Visit the Police Service Commission website for job opportunities

    Ministry of Trade and Industry

    Visit the Ministry of Trade and Industry website for job opportunities

    Ministry of National Security

    Visit the Ministry of National Security for job opportunities

    The Association of Caribbean States (ACS)

    Visit the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) for job opportunities