Meeting with the Ambassador of Ukraine


His Excellency Sergiy Kyslystya, Ambassador of the Republic of Ukraine, expressed gratitude on behalf of the Government and people of Ukraine to Senator the Honourable Dr. Amery Browne for Trinidad and Tobago’s support and solidarity with Ukraine in the face of the ongoing war against his country. These sentiments were expressed during a meeting between the two officials on 30th August, 2022, at the Ministry of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs. Ambassador Kyslystya also extended congratulations to the Government and people of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago on the occasion of this country’s 60th Anniversary of Independence and praised Trinidad and Tobago’s long history of democracy and stability. Minister Browne thanked the Ambassador for his reflections and his Independence greetings and acknowledged the very difficult circumstance under which Ukraine recently observed its own Independence anniversary.

The Minister again underscored that Trinidad and Tobago, through its consistent and principled position on respect for international law and the territorial integrity of states and the right of every nation to exist peacefully, remains committed to the use of every available forum to convey deepest concern over the invasion of Ukraine.

Discussions during the meeting also centred on potential cooperation at the bilateral and multilateral levels in a range areas of mutual concern.

The meeting ended cordially, with Minister Browne extending best wishes to the Ambassador for a fruitful visit to Trinidad and Tobago.

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