Minister Dennis Moses holds talks to strengthen bilateral relations with the United Kingdom

Senator the Honourable Dennis Moses, Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs welcomed the Right Honourable Baroness Anelay of St Johns DBE, Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) of the United Kingdom at the Ministry of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs on 3rd May, 2017.

During the Courtesy Call, Minister Moses and Baroness Anelay focussed on areas to further strengthen bilateral relations between Trinidad and Tobago and the United Kingdom. Discussions were cordial and included enhancing cooperation activities; areas for continued partnership, particularly in the fields of security and energy; and the upcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting to be hosted by the United Kingdom in April 2018.

Baroness Anelay is the Minister of State with responsibility for, inter alia, the Caribbean and the Commonwealth as an institution. This was her first official visit to Trinidad and Tobago, which was part of a regional tour. Baroness Anelay was accompanied by His Excellency Tim Stew, High Commissioner for the United Kingdom to Trinidad and Tobago.

Ministry of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs.

Click to view official media here-United Kingdom Courtesy Call