Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs meets with Deputy Assistant Secretary, Ms. Barbara Feinstein

Senator the Honourable Dr. Amery Browne, Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs, met with Ms. Barbara Feinstein, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Caribbean Affairs and Haiti, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, United States of America Department of State, on 29th March, 2022, during her official visit to Trinidad and Tobago.
Discussion focused on strengthening the ongoing collaboration between Trinidad and Tobago and the United States of America in the areas of security - including border security, combatting human trafficking, and cyber security - as well as energy matters, and future investment prospects. Of equal importance were issues of climate change, the uptake of COVID-19 vaccines in Trinidad and Tobago and preparations for the upcoming Ninth Summit of the Americas, to be held in Los Angeles, United States of America during the week beginning 6th June, 2022.
The dialogue was very fruitful and both parties underscored their commitment to continue working extensively to enhance engagement and to strengthen continued and open information sharing on the challenges being faced by both countries as they relate to issues of security, energy and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Media Release - Meeting with Ms. Barbara Feinstein USDOS

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