Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs of Trinidad and Tobago meets with Minister of the Economy and Planning of Saudi Arabia


Trinidad and Tobago and Saudi Arabia took a major step toward deepening their bilateral relations with a meeting between Senator the Honourable Dr. Amery Browne, Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and His Excellency Faisal Alibrahim, Minister of the Economy and Planning of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The meeting took place on 9th December 2022 in Luanda, Angola, in the margins of the 10th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States.

The Ministers agreed to explore ways of deepening the bilateral relations given the shared experiences of the respective nations in the energy industry. Relatedly, they discussed the importance of further empowering the private sector and of diversifying the economy into other productive avenues that could redound to the greater benefit of the people of both countries.

Minister Browne and Minister Alibrahim found further common ground during their discussions when they noted similarities between Trinidad and Tobago’s Vision 2030 Agenda and Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 Transformative Agenda.

The Ministers also discussed the importance of high-level political engagements, along with people to people connections, and pledged to work with each other to realize further high-level contacts in the near future.

The very cordial discussions between the Ministers concluded with an exchange of gifts and a commitment to mutually reinforced bilateral engagements.

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