Statement delivered by Mr. Bruce Lai, Director, European Affairs Division on behalf of Senator the Honourable Dennis Moses, Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs on the occasion of the Day of German Unity.

October 10th, 2017



It is my pleasure to extend on behalf of Dr. the Honourable Keith Christopher Rowley, Prime Minister, and the Government and People of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, best wishes to the Government and People of the Federal Republic of Germany as we observe the Day of German Unity.

Your Excellency I take this opportunity to extend my warmest welcome to you and your family upon your recent appointment as Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Trinidad and Tobago.  I also take this opportunity to offer, through you, congratulations to Chancellor Angela Merkel who was recently re-elected to a fourth term in office.

Today, we celebrate the twenty-seventh anniversary of the reunification of Germany when East and West Germany were united following years of separation after the Second World War. Your Excellency, to echo the sentiments shared last week in your National Day Message, this unification has allowed Germany to become a nation that is greater than the sum of its parts.

Your nation is today renowned for the efficiency of its systems, the quality of its products, the discipline and strong resolve of its people, and its promotion of social progress, all of which have made Germany a valued partner to Trinidad and Tobago.  

Throughout the years, Germany has been a positive contributor to the development of Trinidad and Tobago, particularly in the areas of education, technical assistance, trade and legal issues.  Cooperation in the field of education is one of the most rewarding facets of our relationship. Collaborations between the MIC Institute of Technology in Trinidad and Tobago and RWTH Aachen University in Germany, as well as the Masters Programme in Renewable Energy Technology offered jointly by the University of Flensburg, Germany, and the University of the West Indies are some examples of this cooperation.

Your Excellency, it would be remiss of me not to also acknowledge Germany’s continued support of Trinidad and Tobago in addressing the issue of climate change and the pursuance of renewable energy initiatives. Just last week, the German Embassy, together with the National Institute of Higher Education, Research and Technology, hosted an exhibit focused on Germany’s shift to green energy. Trinidad and Tobago is thankful for this opportunity to learn from our German counterparts as we, like many countries around the world, face the challenge of meeting increasing demands for energy and reducing the negative impact of climate change.

Mention must also be made of Germany’s collaborative work with the CARICOM region. In July of this year, the German Federal Government, through its “Capacity Building in Technical and Scientific Organisations Using Regional Knowledge and Experience” Project, (CABUREK) and the Regional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Project, funded a Train the Trainers workshop for eighteen of the region’s metrologists. This workshop geared towards creating a group of trainers, qualified to offer training in mass metrology, temperature metrology, volume metrology and the estimation of measurement uncertainty for industry, will no doubt, provide useful assistance in building the Region’s industrial and regulatory capacity in this area.

Ambassador, on the international stage, the strength of our bilateral relationship is also demonstrated by the level of our international cooperation. Your country has illustrated its commitment to grass roots development projects through its support of developing countries within the European Union and the United Nations fora. Although we are worlds apart, Trinidad and Tobago and Germany hold many similar views with regard to the international agenda, be it the expansion of the United Nations or the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

In conclusion, Ladies and Gentlemen, Trinidad and Tobago is committed to forging even closer ties with Germany. As we celebrate with you the anniversary of this Day of German Unity, let us continue to work together to strengthen the bilateral bonds of friendship, cooperation and prosperity.

I wish therefore to propose a toast, on behalf of the Government and People of Trinidad and Tobago to the Federal Republic of Germany in celebration of their 27th anniversary of the Day of German Unity.

I thank you.

View statement document here- 2017 Germany Unity Day Statement