Senator the Honourable Dr. Amery Browne, Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs hosted a Handover Ceremony for the donation of Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR); Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (DTP); Varicella; Pentavalent; Adult Tetanus and Diphtheria (Td); and Pneumococcal conjugate 10-valent vaccines to the Government of Trinidad and Tobago by the Government of Brazil. The Handover Ceremony took place on Friday 2nd December, 2022 at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs. The donation of the vaccines by the Government of Brazil was part of an initiative through its Brazilian Cooperation Agency

During his remarks at the Ceremony, Minister Browne expressed sincere gratitude to the Government of the Federative Republic through His Excellency Rodrigo do Amaral Souza, Ambassador of the Federative Republic of Brazil, for the donation. The Minister noted that Brazil became a second home for him and his family during the 4 years when he served the people of Trinidad and Tobago as Ambassador to that country. He indicated that the Brazilians were the perfect hosts, and their warmth, passion, and generosity reminded him of the warmth of the people in Trinidad and Tobago, and it is this generosity of Brazil, which is on display today, with the generous donation.

The Minister noted the timeliness of the donation, which came on the heels of World AIDS Day, which was celebrated on 1st December, particularly as it related to the donation of a generous quantity of Lopinavir/ritonavir, a modern antiretroviral drug. Lopinavir/ritonavir forms an important part of the core regimen of medication used to treat HIV infections in Trinidad and Tobago. Minister Browne indicated that on World AIDS Day, key stakeholders in Trinidad and Tobago, including the Government, celebrated the revolutionary medical achievements that have been made in the treatment of HIV and AIDS, as well as the progress made together in reducing some of the stigma associated with the infection. He expressed that he was proud of the ongoing work of many in the field, and humbled by the memories of his own years of service amongst them.

The Minister emphasized that the proper utilization of the donated antiretroviral and vaccines within public health system will result in lives saved. He expressed the gratitude of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago for the continuous commitment of the Government of Brazil in providing ongoing assistance to the Government of Trinidad and Tobago with respect to shared priorities in the area of health. He further stated that the Government of Trinidad and Tobago remains committed to advancing cooperation with the Government of Brazil, particularly in the fields of health, agriculture, digitization and training and to exploring other avenues of mutual interest.

In his remarks at the event, His Excellency Rodrigo do Amaral Souza, Ambassador of the Federative Republic of Brazil stated that it was a great honour and privilege to participate in this symbolic Handover Ceremony of vaccines and antiretroviral medication, donated to Trinidad and Tobago by the Government of Brazil, as part of the wide spectrum of humanitarian cooperation initiatives undertaken by the Brazilian Cooperation Agency. The Ambassador further expressed, that this is one area in which he is proud to say that Brazil has been able to offer concrete help to Trinidad and Tobago, especially, in the difficult aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Handover Ceremony concluded with the signing and exchange by Minister Browne and Ambassador Rodrigo do Amaral Souza, of the Handover Certificates for the donation of the vaccines and medication.

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