"I am completely confident that the relationship between Trinidad and Tobago and China will continue to flourish, becoming even more multi-faceted and productive.” These were the sentiments expressed by Senator the Honourable Dr. Amery Browne, Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs at a reception held to celebrate the 73rd Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China. The reception, which was held on 28th September, 2022 was hosted by His Excellency Fang Qiu, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China. 

During his remarks, Minister Browne highlighted the aid received by the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago from the People’s Republic of China at it relates the COVID-19 pandemic. He noted that Trinidad and Tobago’s public health response was supported by the interventions of foreign partners, emphasizing that China in particular provided some of the most important of those, with donations of personal protective equipment, medical supplies and a significant supply of WHO approved COVID-19 vaccines. The Minister indicated that Trinidad and Tobago is and remains grateful for the large number of vaccines made available for donation and purchase, and reiterated the appreciation of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago for China’s generosity, which continues to today. 

Minister Browne further stated that the pandemic provided the type of collaboration between the Governments and Peoples of Trinidad and Tobago and China that has been typical over the course of forty-eight years. Ties that have been built on a foundation of mutual respect and they have borne fruit through sustained cooperation in diverse areas such as security, transportation, energy, culture and technical cooperation. In this regard, he stated that Trinidad and Tobago looks forward to the completion of the Phoenix Park Industrial Estate, a flagship project for our private sector and the first joint project between Trinidad and Tobago and China under the Belt and Road Initiative. The Minister noted that when operational, this major Industrial estate would be a major contributor to our country’s future thrust and another visible, tangible, strong sign of Trinidad and Tobago-China ties. 

Minister Browne concluded his remarks by commending Ambassador Fang Qiu and the staff at the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China for their tireless efforts toward the growth and development of the bilateral relationship between Trinidad and Tobago and China. 

In his remarks at the reception, His Excellency Fang Qiu emphasized the strong and fruitful relationship between Trinidad and Tobago and China. Noting that though thousands of miles apart, China and Trinidad and Tobago enjoy a time-honoured friendship of more than 200 years that continues to flourish. The Ambassador indicated that with joint efforts of leaders and people from all walks of life from both countries, China-Trinidad and Tobago comprehensive cooperative partnership has embraced strong momentum over the years, especially over the 48 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations. Further emphasizing the strong relationship between Trinidad and Tobago and China, Ambassador Fang Qiu announced a donation of RMB 200,000 to the Office of the Prime Minister – Gender and Child Affairs. The donation was made in support of children’s homes where the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China is aiming to play a role in supporting the child welfare cause across Trinidad and Tobago. The donation certificate was handed over by the Ambassador to the Honourable Ayanna Webster-Roy, Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister.

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