Courtesy Call by High Commissioner for Nigeria


Senator the Honourable Dr. Amery Browne, Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs met with His Excellency Abubakar Danlami Ibrahim, High Commissioner for the Federal Republic of Nigeria to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago during a Courtesy Call on 26th July, 2022 at the Ministry’s headquarters.

During the meeting, discussions focused on the importance of the Diasporas of both countries in each receiving state, which is largely comprised of professionals, entrepreneurs and other members of the business community. Minister Browne underscored the importance of the bonds between Trinidad and Tobago and Nigeria, not only in the important historical and socio-cultural context, but also in the context of advancing and increasing South-South technical cooperation, tourism, trade, cultural, film and sport promotion and exchanges.

The discussions at the meeting also focused on the work that lies ahead for Trinidad and Tobago and Nigeria, in collaboration with the wider CARICOM and African regions, to improve substantially the air linkages between both regions. Such collaboration is in addition to addressing other related framework agreements regarding immigration and visa requirements and exchanges in tertiary and other technical education and training opportunities, which would all redound to the benefit of the peoples of both countries and regions.

High Commissioner Ibrahim expressed his gratitude to Minister Browne for the exceptionally warm bonds of friendship between both countries. The meeting ended cordially with both parties dedicated to strengthening the bilateral relationship between the two countries.

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