Meeting with HCL Technologies

Senator the Honourable Dr. Amery Browne, Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs, met with Mr. Rahul Singh, Head of Global Government Affairs and Public Policy, HCL Technologies during a meeting on 27th July, 2022 at the Ministry’s headquarters. Mr. Azad Singh, Second Secretary, High Commission of India accompanied Mr. Rahul Singh to the meeting.

HCL Technologies is a global information technology services and consulting company with its headquarters in Uttar Pradesh, India. HCL Technologies employs over two hundred thousand (200,000) employees and has a footprint in fifty-two (52) countries worldwide, including Brazil, Guatemala and Mexico. In addition, HCL Technologies has vast experience in the United States market and has formed alliances with major technology companies such as IBM, Cisco, Dell Technologies, Google, Microsoft and Oracle.

During the brief meeting, discussions focused on a potential partnership between Trinidad and Tobago and HCL Technologies. Minister Browne emphasized the importance of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to Trinidad and Tobago, as part of its development and diversification agenda. The Minister indicated that this has led to the establishment of the Ministry of Digital Transformation, which he noted has an ambitious agenda. He also indicated that a high literacy rate, high enrolment in tertiary education, resources and stable democracy were among the features that make Trinidad and Tobago an attractive country in which to invest, particularly in the ICT sector.

The meeting ended cordially with Minister Browne expressing interest in exploring opportunities for a partnership between Trinidad and Tobago and HCL Technologies, Both parties agreed to continue discussions on the matter.

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