Ministry of National Security reassures of Trinidad and Tobago's Fight Against Terrorism

The Government of Trinidad and Tobago gives the assurance that it works closely with international partners - especially the United States, Britain and Canada - in strategic areas such as intelligence and information sharing, concerning nationals found to be associated with any terrorist group whether locally or internationally. Such a global partnership has proven to be the most effective approach for countries to be better able to treat with transnational crime and threats of terrorism.

The Ministry of National Security wishes to acknowledge that while this country is currently experiencing challenges with some Trinidad and Tobago nationals being linked to terrorist groups internationally, Trinidad and Tobago takes the fight against global terrorism seriously and is continuously taking all necessary measures to combat the threat.

The Ministry of National Security is working closely with the Ministry of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs, which has established an Anti-Terrorism Desk to address, amongst other things, legislative amendments required to the Anti-Terrorism Act.

Several of those amendments are informed by the Financial Action Task Force Recommendations, such as the inclusion of offences specific to “financing the travel of individuals who travel to a State other than their States of residence or nationality for the purpose of the perpetration, planning, or preparation of, or participation in, terrorists acts or the providing or receiving of terrorist training”.

The Ministry of National Security is also liaising with international counterparts which have offered to collaborate with us to allow for appropriate entities to conduct Countering Violent Extremism programmes here in Trinidad and Tobago.

Further, our Courts, based on applications made by the Attorney General, have listed over 300 individuals or entities and their associates which were designated as terrorist entities by the Security Council of the United Nations.

The Ministry of National Security underscores this Government’s commitment to combat terrorism and will continue working assiduously alongside regional and international partners to safeguard this country and the region as a whole.

Marcia Hope
Manager - Corporate Communications Unit (CCU)

View official media release - MNS reassures of Trinidad and Tobago's fight against terrorism 30.1.2017