Trinidad and Tobago signs the Statement of Intent to Cooperate on Strengthening the Leadership and Participation of Women in Political Life

Senator the Honourable Dr. Amery Browne, Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, signed the Statement of Intent to Cooperate on Strengthening the Leadership and Participation of Women in Political Life.

The signing event, which took place on 28th June, 2024, was organised by the Government of the United States of America in conjunction with the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) of the Organisation of American States (OAS). The event took place in the margins of the 54th Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly in Asunción, Republic of Paraguay convened during the period 26th to 28th June, 2024.

In signing the non-legally binding Statement of Intent, Trinidad and Tobago was pleased to agree that “the promotion of the political rights and leadership of women is a shared goal that contributes to democratic strengthening, inclusive development, and the consolidation of peace”. While delivering remarks at the event, Minister Browne highlighted Trinidad and Tobago’s proud history of women’s political participation with two successive female Heads of State and female representatives in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. He also reiterated the importance of women`s empowerment and leadership to the country`s development objectives, and saluted the role being played by Minister with responsibility for Gender, the Honourable Ayanna Webster-Roy.

The document sets the stage for the launch of the inaugural Electoral Course for Women Candidates in the Caribbean, with the first edition scheduled to be held in Trinidad and Tobago. Representatives of the Governments of Antigua and Barbuda, Republic of Colombia and Republic of Panama, where the Course will also be offered, were also present at the Ceremony.

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